PDFPrint at a glance


All settings can be managed via profiles (XML files). Print based on the PDF elements – for fast and resource-saving output or as an image file rendered from the PDF.


Adjustable max. Resolution and max. Memory for the rendered image file. Adjustable timing for printing. Specification of the number of copies.


Print based on the PDF elements – for fast and resource-saving output or as an image file rendered from the PDF. Selection of available printers by name or using the default printer.

Print mode

Fit to page, Original, Zoom out. Scale expression – in% – when output as image file. Orientation – Portrait, Landscape or Automatic – when output as an image file.

more about PDFPrint

Features, licensing and activation

Print PDFs either directly or via the PDF2Printer print server to locally connected or network printers.

Printer Server (max one folder can be monitored) / PDF2Printer is an application installed as a MS-Windows service to automatically output PDFs from one monitored folder to different printers. PCF print control file – Triggers the start of the printout. PCF file contains separated with tab: path of the PDF to be printed, name of the printer, paper tray (ID of the tray and name of the tray separated by “:”), number of copies.

DropPrint is an executable MS-Windows printing application that can be started automatically. DropPrint makes it possible to print several PDF documents at once, directly via drag & drop, or via a monitored folder to printers – local or network.

PDFPrint-FM (Folder Monitoring – several folders can be monitored) – Windows service with folder tracking available. Inbox folders are monitored and all newly added PDF’s are either printed directly or via the PDF2Printer print server to locally connected or network printers.

PDFPrint-CL – Command line printing application to print PDF documents directly to physical printers – locally or over network accessible. PDFPrint-CL also supports printing using the PDF2Printer printer service.

PDFPrint Service CS / PDFPrint-CS – Installed as MS-Windows service, provides a REST / SOAP web service interface and allows PDF files to be printed on another computer using HTTP / HTTPS communication.

You can easily buy our products in our WebShop.

Of course you can also inquire directly and get an offer from us for your order.

The products are installed as a DEMO version at the workplace and can be tested with all functions for 30 days. Afterwards, the software must be activated as a full version, otherwise a DEMO stamp will be applied to the generated documents.

The products are licensed according to your order for the workstation, terminal server or server.

The licenses are tied to the workplace where it was activated first. Licenses can be transferred.

When you purchase a full license, you will receive access data from the ProductActivationManager and activate your DEMO version as a full version. The activationkey is called via a server installed in our house and accessible via the Internet.

Product Activation

You can activate the products by clicking the user interface on the button “Activate” in the “Info” or “About” or start the Product Activation Manager directly via Start | Programs | Your Product | Product Activation Manager.

Activate Application: ONLINE (Video: PAM – ONLINE Activation)

Activate the product with user ID and password. Select the Application (left side) and then “Activate Application”. You will be prompted for user ID and password and then see all the remaining free licenses to choose from. Select one and click “OK” – Activation Complete! This variant requires an internet connection!

Please note that the licenses are hardware bound. The use on another computer is possible only through a prior release (MOVE) of the already activated licenses.

Move license (to new PC) (Video: PAM – MOVE License)

This option allows to transfer a license to a different PC. Input of UserID und Passwort is necessary! Product will remain as demo version on your PC.

OLD PC: ProductActivationManager | select license | „Move License“ Button | Username / Password | OK

NEW PC: ProductActivationManager | select application | „Activate Application“ Button | Username / Password | select license | OK




V 1.4.16 Download

Windows service with folder monitoring


V 1.5.1 Download

Command line application


V 1.1.30 Download

MS-Windows Service
REST / SOAP web service interface


V 1.2.10 Download

Interactive application for printing PDF files.

Can be used as a 30-day DEMO after downloading! With a license to the full version. Requires administrator rights for the installation!

You can also test in advance with our interactive application – ★ Download

Download – Readme / Help – PDFPrint-CL

IMPORTANT: PDFPrint Service CS – from V1.1.4, PDFPrint-CL – from V1.2.4, PDFPrint-FM – from V1.2.3 require .NET Runtime 4.6. The setup checks if this version is present and if not it will automatically be downloaded and installed from the internet during the installation process. .NET 4.6 Runtime is already available with Windows 10.

Please note Windows service – access to network resources – what should be considered? ★ Information in PDFBlog

FREE Add-On's


V 1.1.4 Download

FREE Hot-folder / folder monitoring for the PDFPrint Service CS version.


V 1.1.2 Download

FREE command line add-on for the PDFPrint Service CS version.


V 1.1.3 Download

Print PDF´s via DropZone / folder monitoring with PDFPrint Service CS version.

... more Downloads


V 2.0.22 Download

MS-Windows service to print PDF’s automatically.

PDFPrint Plug-in

V 1.1.19 Download

eDocPrintPro Plug-in

IMPORTANT: PDF2Printer – from V2.0.11 and PDFPrint PlugIn – from V1.1.1 require .NET Runtime 4.6. The setup checks if this version is present and if not it will automatically be downloaded and installed from the internet during the installation process. .NET 4.6 Runtime is already available with Windows 10.


Choose the right product


Prices in Shop
  • Windows service with folder monitoring.


Prices in Shop
  • Command line application (workstation / server license).

PDFPrint Service CS

Prices in Shop
  • MS-Windows service REST / SOAP web service interface.


Prices in Shop
  • MS-Windows service to print PDF's automatically.

PDFPrint PlugIn

Prices in Shop
  • eDocPrintPro Plug-in - Print a PDF file on one or more physical printers.


Prices in Shop
  • Interactive application for printing PDF files.

